Colonel Vinod Joshi gave detailed information about opportunities for commission in the Armed Forces, SSB, Medical and various other examinations. He explained the different types of commission from 12th class to PG college and told about different departments and qualifications needed to become a soldier. He also spoke on the training girl cadets can undertake so that they can pass physical, written and medical examinations.
He told the cadets that there are many benefits of Agnipath Scheme. Col Vinod Joshi sensitized the cadets about the vast opportunities not only to join the army but also to become law officers, education officers and medical officers.
Col. Vinod Joshi said that with active minds, honesty, hard work and passion, cadets can achieve any position but first they should decide their goals. He also explained the importance of NCC 'C' certificate to the NCC cadets. He saud that due to this certificate cadets can get special opportunity to join Agniveer Navy and Air Force etc. Detailed information on various methods, preparation and examinations to become lady officers and soldiers in Indian forces was also given to NCC girl cadets.
Dr. Neeraj Jindal, Registrar, Patron, Shri
Ramswaroop Vishwavidyalaya Lt. Dr. Nancy Gupta, ANO 20 UP Girls Battalion NCC,
Lt. Nilesh Mishra ANO, 63 UP Battalion NCC and NCC Cadets were also present.
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